Who We Are

Hey all, my name is Nick Fomera, I am located in the Phoenix area and my goal here is to just share my stories from all of the various trips and crazy hikes I have been able to do in my life. My goal also is to prove how anyone reading any of my entries can do any of these trip, I will provide information on how to complete these trips, but also leave out some information for you to figure out yourself for these destinations. Being able to plan a trip and make it happen yourself is the best feeling. More about me is I am from a small town in Illinois, I moved out to Phoenix for college and now am pursuing a major in cybersecurity at GCU. I fell in love with hiking and mountaineering when I came out west and started getting to enjoy the freedom of the hills. The mountains and beautiful nature scenery can bring out the best of us, after all it is our world and we were made to see it.

Ever since I was little, I always had a bucket list and aggressive goals to achieve in life. Growing up in an area where having goals so assertive is the minority.

All things considered, I really found myself and my passion within the mountains. Now I want to give back to a community that helped me find so much in life and gain clarity. I believe everyone should be able to achieve this great mental feeling, and I want to show that anyone can achieve it too!